
Welcome to i crochet things! This blog is where I post all my patterns and other crochet-related thingies. You can also find my stuff on Ravelry and Etsy. Sometimes I do a thing where I post free patterns on Fridays called “Free Pattern Fridays”. As you can tell, I’m amazing at naming things. I also sometimes go on month long breaks where I don’t post patterns. I try not to let that happen. Be sure to follow this blog to stay updated on my latest posts! You can also check out my old blog for older and crappier patterns.

As for me, I’ve been crocheting and knitting for almost 10 years now (though knitting is evil and I rarely do it). I started learning to crochet after a very rainy summer vacation in which I became bored of all my other hobbies and wanted to learn something new. I have always been artsy and enjoyed drawing and painting, but I lost interest in only being able to make art on paper. Crocheting allows me to be creative while also giving me cool and useful stuff. It’s a win-win.

At this point I pretty much exclusively make amigurumi, or crochet stuffed toys. I admit that I probably like stuffed animals more than a person my age should, but hey, it makes me happy. And hopefully my patterns can make other people happy too. That sounds incredibly cheesy; I apologize.

This is going to end really awkwardly.